with the Army of Drunks
You ever been so drunk that you thought it would be a good idea to start a booze company? It usually comes at the end of the night after you’ve already been through the terrible ideas of starting a ska band, going to back to school to become a jet pilot, and breaking into Marc Zuckerberg’s house dressed as Mayor McCheese… because that’ll teach him! Well one of us sobered up and actually did it. Start a booze company, that is, not the Mayor McCheese thing.
Sit back and get a look behind the distilled curtain as our boy Shaft regales us with the tale of “What I did on my pandemic vacation,” a.k.a. how he and his wife to be created Grisly’s Cosmic Black, a gourmet bourbon and cola cocktail in a can that’s unlike anything else out there. In fact, we taste test it against a home-made whiskey and coke. It’s a peek into the booze process from conception to execution that you won’t want to miss. Or maybe you will want to miss it. Honestly, we don’t pretend to know what’s going on in that messed-up head of yours.
We also learn about Matt Shaw’s illicit text relationship with the Trump campaign under an assumed name. It seems Donald’s not happy with “Laurie,” and the shame hammer is coming down hard.
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Well, obviously there’s no recipe here, but Grisly’s Cosmic Black can be shipped to just about anywhere in the country via this link here. (And yeah, shipping booze can be expensive, so just know that going in.)


Finally, meet Floyd, the Star Wars creature who lives in Buck’s house